Note: This is a very half-baked and unpolished, unoptimized mess of a tech demo that has no win-con. If you die, you have to restart the page to replay. Most spell elements don't work with only the Fire element actually having any effect. You can still try the other elements to see what kind of changes they make to the spell preview but trying to cast any spell that has anything except the basic elements will probably crash the game.

This is a turn-based dungeon-crawler game with very minimalistic UI. If I was able to build it out in full, you would be able to mix 3 elements out of 6 elements to create a bunch of different spells with varying effects. You can see how the different elements affect the visuals of the spell in real time with the spell previewing system.

The environment is pitch-black and the player is the only source of light. Your light is tied to your HP, and casting spells also costs HP. Killing enemies however restores your HP. This creates a balancing act for the player where they need to consider carefully what elements to mix and which enemies to target to make sure they don't run out of light.

The lower amount of light, the harder this balancing act becomes as the player has access to less and less information (e.g. enemy positions and their HP). Certain enemies can also attack the player outside of their light range which makes light even more important.

A technical demo made for the Pirate Software Game Jam - 15.

Unfortunately I started this game jam quite late, having just under 7 days to complete the project. The complexity of this project was a bit too much for me to be able build out all of the features within that limited time span so forgive rather limited playability.


Arrow Keys: Movement/Aiming

Select Basic Element: Q, W, E

Select Unique Element: A, S, D

Cancel Spell: F

Confirm Spell: Space

Deploy Spell: Space

Confirming a spell will put you into Aiming mode which you can move a virtual cursor around to aim your spell. For the default spell there must be a target within your visible range in order to fire your spell.

GDD link:


Made withUnity

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